The Heart, the essence and a dance

sourced during somatic practices in south Portugal autumn 2023

Τhe point here is to actually truly connect to the heart field

and let all cells be tuned from there.

No extra, complicated stuff.

Once you are truly connected to your heart presence,

body gets grounded into your essence.

And from there you cannot get easily confused or shaken. If you go deep enough, you will recognise what is truly emerging from inside or what is being dressed on top from outside. .

Heart has a way to communicate to all the cells in the body and provide radical acceptance and transmit everything is needed.

Heart knows the way back home. Otherwise we leak and find ourselves begging or searching for mediators in between. But the truth is already lives and speak through the heart.

She has the ability to recognise the truth. .

Truth is not shouting, neither is super fancy, is rather more silent, caressing in subtle ways and creating space for self acceptance. It has compassion.

From that place the body, the physical body is grounded in essence, it does not try to get grounded. It is simply, is vibrating is its essence, deeply in dialogue with the core of the earth.

It is that simple.

And in the dancing, all becomes pretty clear like a mirror.

You see all the tendencies of the human psyche.

The confused one,

the methystic one,

the ecstatic one,

the reserved one,

the controlled one,

the trapped one.

And they are all wonderful. .

photo by Michael 30fillidis

Yet clarity arises from landing in the essence-

Essence is simple, is Raw, is kind.

Because it knows itself, it does not negotiate its existence, it wants to just express and serve.

It is really inspired to see bodies that are expressed in their essence. It is clear when this is taking place or when an aesthetical technique is being dressed on top. It is great to a certain measure to learn techniques for sure and yet it can be confused place that is fragmenting the nature of our expression when the are being replaced with the essence.

Cause if there was a reason we fall in love with dancing at some point in early life, I assume was not the technique, but the ecstatic state of moving and dancing with the earth.

It was the life itself.

It was the life force that is dancing through the body.

And yet of course it takes some skills, practice to do it fully completely but it has nothing to do with technical aesthetics. .

And I guess that wants here to speak is this thing that lives in the life essence, that lives effortless through the vessel of the body. Just making sure that this vessel is clean enough, tuning into it.

And is ok sometimes we get dirty, confused or mixed up but is important to come back to the vessel.

Cause it is only through that vessel we can live and share our essence and in the current times, we need each one of us to be in its own essence.

Much love,


a manifesto letter from the ocean of the womb, our moving bodies and current times, from the i to we

written during 2020 closed in 4 walls room, Germany

Sick and tired of pressures of how we SHOULD MOVE and train our bodies.

Ιf you wanna know, I am not waking up and start doing exercises of gym like. I rather go into the floor lying down, CONNECT TO MY WOMB, protect my injury of lumbar disc and start to move from there. I dive into the ocean of the womb where we all come from.

Riding the WAVES of irregularity, not the ones that produce certain forms of imitating the wave, but be the wave. After that I make sure my legs are extensions of my tale like fish in the water. And then I evolve to more mammal memory. The one that comes from the ocean and waking up the support from the opposite forces. Later I might become more of human species having the memory of the ocean, articulating fine words in my limps, using the support from the ground and listen to inner waters, transforming into warrior.

And no I am not doing push ups and all forms that are given from someone. I actually enter my body, I ENTER THE MEMORY of this body. I honor this body. Not everyone has the same needs because a mass tends to practice the same stuff

and here Is an invitation to go into your womb.

Dare to face it, dive and discover your own treasures and please let me know,

what did you discover?

What your own body says?

In my experience there is a very strong connection to womb and center of the skull, Connecting like the main road of fluids that go up and down the spine. And here one more time, is not about copying pasting material, It is about diving into the ocean of your own material. This body I have, it has its own experience from climbing trees, to gymnastic saltos, from sports to articulation of hands. Images from childhood of extremely quick articulated hands that sculptures minds of women. There are memories of Chinese medicine arts that communicate from heart to hands.

And here I ask you dear ones,

what is your experience?

Dare to sit with your womb in your room. And from there without concepts, techniques, forms that you have been digesting, learning or programming yourself. Without labels, names .

Just you and your womb like a good old friends drinking a tea.

And here is my request, To all those souls working on themselves or not,

HOW our world would look like, if we would be connected to our core?

HOW would our politician, teachers, doctors would be they would be connecting to their core?

HOW would be yourself if you would be connected to your core and have nothing against your beloved ones, because you are simply access your core?

And all those that meditate and do spiritual practices, how your practice would be if you take out the concepts and simply do your practice?

TIME has come to connect to our deeper human soul, Let go of branding, promoting and eating each other for 20 euros.

Time has come to let this old die, let go and connect to true human potential. Connect to your communities just in case we can still get something good out of this.

Just in case we have a chance to live a life where each one will place his seeds where he needs to in order flowers, fruits to grow, to harvest and nurture the community and this planet.

It is time to make this shift in action, not dream about it.

It is time to sit down you and your womb And you don-t need to be samurai It only takes you, as you were once born as a child, you were born.

Wish you all good health and connection, not only through internet, branding but also in true human connection.

Where you get naked in front of your friends with your soul, vulnerable opening your core and let your soul be embraced, hugged for who you truly are To be the beast you are meant to be In prayers to heal.

Much Love, S.

sense of belonging

October 2024 Portugal


what is the sense of belonging?

Belonging is a sense that we all yearn for, yet belonging is something that we can feel freely if we extend our presence and sense to our living context which is our living planet.

The sense of Belonging arises from a deep relation to the core of the earth, your living body is part of the body of the earth. Your body is in relation to the earth and you belong here.

If we could get to know our physical roots and how they meet in the invisible space through the soil and layers of the earth, we would meet ourselves with a sense of vertical and spacial belonging, effortlessly.

All what the body needs is not mental concepts of belonging, although this might be useful for some time but rather a physiological sense of belongingness. That relation of your mass to the larger mass of the earth should be the first one to cultivate in times we open our eyes to face the near future of the day.

It seems to me we live in fragmented realities, therefore our relationships and relationship of bodies seems as if they forgot how to feels safe and sense of belonging which is a felt sense, an experiential physiological sense of the physical vessel.

Our vessels, our physical material seems to be steady form, yet there are things that are moving within, through your attention and presence. if we would cultivate more that sense of belonging in our daily life, our relations and relations capes with the earth would benefit towards a great harmonic co existence.

Belonging is a sense that is driving the human nature but we just forgot for some time that we are nature. And it only takes a bit of daily practice and gatherings to remind each other to our belongingness of our living planet, to come back home.

planet is our home and we are inherently being supported, it takes a shift in our beingness to turn our relational attention to the vertical cord that is waiting for us to be plugged in.

your body is not seperated from the planet, the environement,

we run around with empty batteries of our spirits and extracting, outsourcing from each other and our soil simply because we forgot that we are here.

that sense of belongingness is physiological experience, is not a mental conceptual ecological construction. it can be a felt sense in your wholeness in your body from which you are breathing right now.

manifesto on space

November 2024,

Space inspires

Space moves

Space and placement excites

Space in our hearts

Space in our imagination

Space between our incarnation

Space is all what we are

Space is what dance is

Space is all there is

And in this space

There is recognition

There is love

There is harmony

There is symphony

There is tension

Because space is all there is

And space is vast

And in that vastness Everything finds its place

Everything breathes

We the spacious beings

Space makes us dance

Space is dancing us

Like a miniatures of an old movie

Finding, creating, revealing, attenting To that space

That already given space.

Cause space

Space gives its own pace, rhythms

Space defines how molecules dance

Space gives time for recognition

Space gives color to silence

Space brings rooms into your beingness

Space is inherent gift of life

Life exists because of space

Without space

Without space we are forgotten flowers, stuck in square shapes of the past

Without space we barely can walk

And so If you love something,

Give it space And watch it grow unapologetically

And as it grows It returns to you

Cause space and love Are two dancers of a dance

Move and love in the pace of love

And watch your space grow

Cause space inspires

Space moves

Space excites

Space expresses.

AN attempt to express, the healing process of our hearts and the power of we,

November 2024,

The attempt to express has not so much to do with trying to be understood.

We try constantly to brings everything down to a line to understand.

But sometimes the attempt to express Is to express what can not be described In words. Because every inner landscape has its value of expressing itself Just for the sake of expression. We reached a point that even our expression tends to be strategized into forms, rights and wrongs.

What if our expression is what it is and we allow it be to be what it is

and find the courage simply to attempt to express?

Many times in my experience, I see that the expression and the inner landscape of human heart seems that all it needs is a space to be expressed. Cause words are one level and is wonderful, feelings is another and some times there is something deeper than feelings that seeks for expression in every corner, form and situation.

And that very thing has no rule of expression.

It simply seeks a pore of breathing vessel to share itself.

To be shared

To be heard

And if so, also to be felt.

Then very good.

And that sharing can be a stepping stone towards our healing process.

Because healing is nothing less than expressing what has stayed in for a long time compressed inside.

So dare to be free, to attempt to express free.

And the mind and thoughts shall silent down their dominance and find the courage to express what is attempting to be expressed through you.

Cause I see we suffer for no reason with each other, make things complicated up there into the mind.

But heart is simple It shares, expresses

And there is nothing more painful when a heart, a body

expressed itself and you hear the response, What so you mean? What is this about?

Let it be, brothers and sisters!

Imagine holding a circle with each other and one at a time enters the circle and expressed with a dance a gesture, a word, couple of words, a voice what really wants to be spoken out of this body.

Just imagine now for a moment, that is you entering this circle in front of parents, friends, beloveds ones.

First of all how much fear the person is it moving through? and how much courage it takes to do that so? Can you feel it? And can you feel the release of expressing and be accepting for that?

Cause we run arround with diplomas, bullets of success, but we forgot how to be seen in front of each other.

So express,

Gather together and allow your hearts to be expressed without whys, when and hows.,

Just listen, feel, be seen and then watch the chain of human connections of hearts healing like a blood flow that enters one heart to another to another, all the way through.

Let us not forget how is to be seen, felt, heard In front of another with our hearts wide open and be received.

Mind has build for so many years walls to guard our Chest from feeling deep, We comfort ourselves from feeling superficial feelings and fast satisfactions, we end up stretching the physical body into all kinds of extremities of all kinds of colours, simply cause we forgot how to feel deep into our hearts and how to allow that to be expressed.

And that happen when we gather and dare to attempt to express.

So gather,


Gather with loved ones and dare to take an attempt to connect.

from my heart to yours, let-s all look at each others hearts and eyes with full of acceptantance and remember how it is to be a human true race.


we will be glad to hear how it lands on you